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Thursday, June 12, 2008

I did it.

I turned in my letter of resignation today. I always envisioned quiting in the manner above. But as I mentioned earlier, I'm crazy. After crying like a baby last night and a little this morning before going to work, I was determined to go through with it even though my gut was telling me to back out! The husband gave me a good tongue lashing this morning as I sniffled about the house telling me that my gut was lying! Driving to work I had to yell at myself to get it together. I really did not want to cry today. I failed. I didn't bawl like a baby but tears were shed. I guess I'm more fond of the Office of Doom than I have ever even admitted to myself (just one more example of how fucking crazy I am).
PAB was freaking shocked. He really looked like he didn't see it coming even as I walked into his office and closed the door behind me, letter in hand. I sat down and looked him in right in the eye and said, "I'm leaving the Office of Doom" and then I put the letter on the desk in front of him.
Wham bam no thank you m'am. Kazaam, I quit.
And then the tears came.
I pulled myself together quickly as I struggled with the damn box of kleenex on his desk pulling out half the box rather than the one sheet I actually needed. And the minute the words left my mouth the tears stopped as soon as they had started. PAB was pretty nice and said all the right things. I would like to believe there was some real sincerity in his words but he is so good at telling you want to hear that I'll never really know. I think his first words were "Wow" and then he bent over his desk looking at my letter and kept saying wow or man or something with just one syllable. His hand went to his forehead as he pondered the news. I think he may have even muttered "I can't believe it. You've been here so long." and he went on to say how he hated to loose me and how I'd be hard to replace to which I said "I know." and we both laughed. Somebody needed to lighten the mood. Then he said he thought I would do really well at Snoozefest and he was sure I'd be great. That he appreciated all my hard work, that he knew how tough things had been on me over the years and something about me being "his rock" which I'm still a lost on but whatever. It's done. PAB even hugged me on his own.
Oh, and prospect guy started today. Real nice guy. More on that later. I thought my resigning deserved its own post.


  1. Congrats on taking the big step!!! Can't wait to hear all about the new digs!

  2. all this is normal. leaving is hard. where are you going to cry your eyes out if not at work?
    you'll do great. xx




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