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Tuesday, June 17, 2008

OOD update.

Alright peeps, so the news has been spilled and the tears have dried. Thanks for every one's moral support. I really do appreciate you guys.

Funny thing at the OOD. Isn't it true how you don't know what you have until it's gone? It seems the doomers are finally seeing my worth now that I'm weeks away from leaving for good. Everyone has been extra nice to me since I announced my resignation. Maybe they are just happy I'm finally leaving. I like to pretend the good vibes I get from them are of the sincere variety rather than just a result of me quiting. Everyone actually stops to say goodbye before I walk out the door now knowing they only have a short time left to do so. Before I'd be lucky if they even glanced my way.

Prospect Guy is settling in just fine. Nice kid. It only took him three days to realize he could get away with leaving right at 5. He's dressing down at work like the rest of us, too. Haven't seen a tie on him since day one. Violet, I think you were too good for too long. Prospect Guy will be showing up late to work in no time. I hope it happens before my last day because that would be so sweet.
Fatty finally found the banana. Too bad I wasn't around to witness his discovery. He's going on vacation soon to his usual place. His wife nearly spoiled the plans by suddenly deciding she wasn't going to contribute financially to their little get away. He was going to cancel the annual vacation with the fam until he looked into his precious pocketbook (you know how small that is) and decided to pony up the dough. I actually felt sorry for him for a few minutes when he was talking about not going. I was like, "Dude, your wife sucks, just go." I mean he never goes anywhere outside a 5 mile radius from home and office. Jeez.
Things are so bad for Chatty that she confided that she asked PAB if she should consider taking my job when I'm gone. I just had to say, "Oh Chatty, you have to be very organized to do my job and well..." She ain't! (She knows this and she'd hate it anyway.) That was an awkward moment to say the least. Today she asked for me to give her my accounts when I go. I already have referred a few to her. You know how she can be a little pushy. I mean, let me get out of here before you take over everything. Back up. You know?
Meanwhile, I've been basically doing two jobs at once. Taking a few Office of Doom supplies out here and there - nothing major - just a stapler and some pens. They owe me at least a fucking stapler and a few pens. It's hard keeping up with who I'm working for while dipping my hand in two egg baskets.
Anyway, Violet and Julie: You two need to get on the boards here and give me something to laugh about!!

1 comment:

  1. "Fatty finally found the banana."

    Maybe his wife wouldn't be such a bitch if he'd never lost it in the first place.




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