Yes, Anonymous, we've let The OOD slide a bit. And for that I apologize. Lola is super busy with her HOOD job and I've been concentrating on getting all of my required points in each day at my new job. Ok, I probably jumped the gun a bit when I described it as the new OOD (Office of Delight). Fact is, it's a pretty decent place to work...but the whole gung-ho corporate feel is kinda creepy.
We have this previously discussed point system and we have to fill out silly goals each quarter.
My goal is something like this: I will come to work. I will make my points each day. I will eat free bagels and flavored coffees that corporate provides me in an effort to keep me happy while making said points.
I work in silence each day in a cubicle farm and probably have uttered four words to my less-than-outgoing cubemates.
But let's just say I really don't miss Fatty and the "work" I had to do for pitiful pay. At least the Corporate Cube Farm pays well...and the mochachinos are scrumptious.
Yeah, we'll I haven't gotten paid shit yet. I'm about to loose it, V. Instead of free bagels we get berrated via email in red font which is as bad as getting yelled at in ALL CAPS as if we are stupid little children.
ReplyDeleteHey, I heard there was a pilates group that meets at 5:30 up there a couple of times a week. You should check it out. I'm going to find out if I'm allowed to come.
Meanwhile, I'm freaking out about how to respond to the mega bitch email I got over the weekend from the "not boss". I've thought of pretending I didn't get it at all but I don't think that will work.
Boo for scary cubicle farms and HOODs! Lola, I heard all about it this past Sunday and wowza...you really MIGHT be a crazy magnet. ;-) Eventually you will find your zen place in the universe of employment. Of this I am certain.
ReplyDeleteViolet, free bagels and mochachinos???? I get free verbal beat downs from stupid people. You've got it good. ;-)
Yay for the OODers for entertaining me again.