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Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Doom's Day

Image from ruttie g.

Today was the day. Doom's Day.
I left the OOD for the last time today. Said good bye to all of the Doomers and fled.
Despite all my griping about the place I couldn't help but be a little sad....really.
My awkward handshake/hug with Fatty was strange, but for everyone else it was a little hard.
Chatty walked me to my car, Splenda gave me a hug and I almost forgot to say goodbye to Tommy Boy, but he chased me out the door to offer a hug.

But the hardest person of all to say good bye to was Lola. Although it really was just a "see ya later."

Now it's on to another office, probably with just as much strife and crazy people to talk about.

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