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Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Still Lame.

Violet is gone. It's taken me a while to post since her departure. It's hard work (as George W. might say) keeping up appearances here at the OOD. I just want to crawl into a hole or under my desk. I could probably get away with the latter and I doubt anyone would notice.
Without V it is down right sad in this joint. Her desk is so sad and empty..well, that is when Beemer isn't sitting there pretending to work here. V's seat wasn't cold for five minutes before she skipped in the door and yelled "Can I sit here?" her ass already halfway in the chair. She's loud. So loud and her cell phone is even louder. Beemer prefers to let it ring at least 5 times before she answers it which is awesome. So very awesome.

Did I tell you that Fatty is slobberingly close to replacing V? He hasn't had a lot of great prospects interview as we've discussed earlier. Not much to choose from between the flasher and granny. Not to worry! It appears that Fatty discovered that Dr. Strange Butt was interested in the job. He didn't think she was available or that she'd even be interested in becoming the next Doomer on the Totem Pole with her PhD and shit. But for some odd reason she's into the gig. Dr. Strange Butt has done a few side projects for us in the past and I guess she's ok. She came in last week for her interview. And when I say she came in for her interview what I mean is she thought she was on her way to yoga class. Dr. SB must have literally rolled outta bed and in the door. I mean, I'm not saying that we are a professional dressing biz'nus or anything but come on at least put on a jacket. At least dry your hair before you come in. Instead, she came in practically wearing pajamas and flip flops with half wet hair. Not making much of an effort are we? Ah jeez. Oh side note - Tommy Boy just walked past me on the way to the toilet w/ his reading material. Gross. Aren't you even the slightest bit embarrassed that I know where you're going with that?

Anywho...Fatty interviewed Dr. SB with the door open so I got to hear most everything. She definitely tried to finagle a sort of come and go as she pleases kind of set up - which if dumb ass had a clue she wouldn't have even asked and got the job and done it anyway cuz no one would have said anything then - but she didn't..she asked and Fatty as usual beat around the bush saying "no" w/out really saying no. Just grow some would ya, Fatty?

I checked in on V today. She's on day 2 of her new job and it sounds like things are going great for her over there. She was taken to lunch by her boss on day one. Fantastic. PAB you should take notes. You should know that I've yet to be taken out to lunch...xx years and counting..something tells me it's not gonna happen.

Hopefully, she will still chime in here from time to time. She can go on and on about how great things are at the new place, etc etc.

1 comment:

  1. Lo, I think about you every day at my new job. I miss you terribly and I miss making fun of the Doomers. I'm working on a new post right now describing my first few days at the new Office of (Delight?)...well, maybe not quite that great...but close. It's still work.




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