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Friday, May 30, 2008

Introducing prospect guy.

Another potential Violet replacer came in today to meet with Fatty. So far he's the best I've seen. He was early but not too early. He wore a suit, managed to keep his fly up and according to Fatty, "He didn't stink." This young guy seems like a winner to me. Fresh out of college and eager to learn. He's perfect.
He's going to hate himself in about 2 months (if Fatty is smart enough to give him the job). It might take less time. Violet should chime in to let us all know the exact time she knew how sucky the OOD really was.
Some highlights of the day:
Fatty trying to pawn off the interview on Tommy Boy at the last minute. It seems that Fatty remembered he had somewhere else to be during the exact scheduled time of the interview. He failed to reach the interviewee by phone so he made a last ditch attempt at getting Tommy Boy to do the job. Seeing that TB is Fatty's assistant, you would think this would be fairly doable. I personally believe TB is infinitely smarter than Fatty and thus would probably do a better interview even by accident. But T-Boy has little to no experience in this area so he was not too keen on the idea not being prepared and all. In fact, he said NO to Fatty. In the end, Fatty did the interview again with the door wide open. Idiot.
So prospect guy was holding his own with Fatty (not too hard) and things seemed to go well. Fatty went on about how he's received 91 applicants but he's chosen to only bring in SIX people. Lies. Lies. I haven't seen six people at the OOD - maybe 3 or 4 tops and one didn't even count. The interview lasted close to an hour which Fatty declared a successful interview. Fatty says that if doesn't like somebody the interview will be over in 15 minutes or less. I haven't seen that happen yet...not even with stinky guy who forgot to zip up his pants.
My favorite eavesdropping moment was when prospect guy mentioned how important constructive criticism and feedback was to his development and growth as an quote one of my favorite girl bands, En Vogue:
Never gonna get it, never gonna get it
Never gonna get it, never gonna get it
Never gonna get it, never gonna get it
Never gonna get it (whoa-whoa-whoa-whoa)
Never gonna get it, never gonna get it
Never gonna get it, never gonna get it
Never gonna get it, never gonna get it
Never gonna get it, never get it
I'll keep you updated.
Oh and Violet, you may or may not get that last paycheck that's coming to you. Ivana sure as hell isn't going to see her's.

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