I was a little harsh about my job in my last post. I think I was just having a bad day. Because this past Friday we got BEER! Yes, it was the illusive beer at work party. They gathered all of us in a room for a "meeting" gave us some sort of pep talk about a new marketing campaign and then rolled out the buckets of beer. I thought I was dreaming. I've never been encouraged to drink on the job....pretty freaking amazing. At first I thought it was some sort of trap or test. As if you went and cracked open one of the beers and took a swig they would fire you on the spot....and just say, 'oh, that was just a test. You are an alcoholic. Pack your bags, you're out of here."
But when I saw my supervisor digging through the icy barrels of cold beer goodness...I knew it was cool.
I only took one beer...a Dos XX. I stood around a bit and sipped on my beer awkwardly....but decided I needed to actually get back to my desk (still needed to get those points, right?!).
So I took my beer back to my desk and started to work.
It felt strange. It felt wrong. But it was oh so good.
I could barely finish it because it felt kinda strange to be chugging a beer at work. But I finally gulped it down, finished all of my points and went home to gloat about it to my husband...oh, and to write this post.
Beer is definitely a motivator for workers. I would recommend all employers to spring for a beer party every now and then. Sure, you may be putting all of those on-the-wagon alcoholics at work in an awkward situation....but what the hey, your work force as a whole will thank you for it. Trust me.
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