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Monday, August 11, 2008

Escalating bull shit.

Today might have been the worst day ever at the HOOD. It is also probably one of my last.

I had a fantastic weekend..purposefully left the HOOD email closed and while I was enjoying a fun weekend with the girls the Not Boss was doing her best "I'm a freaking wackjob" impersonation via email. Are we seeing a trend folks? Yes, she likes to go all bat-shit crazy on the internets specifically by email. I'm surprised she isn't an AOL user as I swear anyone who is still on AOL needs their head examined.

Here is the 411: basically I've been unintentionally outed by a coworker. This person has been around the block with the Not Boss and has provided some decent insight on how to deal with her and basically figure out how to be the best HOOD'er I can be. Go Army or is it Marines? Anyway back on subject..I sent him an email about how one of my customer meetings had gone (great actually) and he decided in his infinite dumb ass wisdom to pass this email along to the Not Boss. Now there wasn't anything at all in this email that would have upset any normal individual most would have been pleased actually but hey, we're talking about the Not Boss here - the one who thinks scathing emails sent in red font is the way to motivate her team. So guess who managed to read something negative into my email? You got it. The Not Boss.

So the Not Boss emails me a 4 page email cc'ing coworker and just goes OFF on both of us. I didn't even know how to respond. Everyone I talked to about it said I didn't owe her a response but I knew that wouldn't go over very well. I decided to reach out and double check our lunch meeting that was she scheduled last week. She had left the time TBD so I followed up to see when we'd meet quietly suggesting that we clearly had some things to discuss. But hey I was just making sure I was available for her as previously planned. Apparently I "refuse to communicate" with the Not Boss. What a load of shit. To my dismay she did not respond within the one hour time frame she holds me to but instead waited until after normal business hours probably hoping I wouldn't get the message until the morning which would leave me scrambling to hop to her demands under short notice.

The Not Boss made it clear that lunch would not do and that this had "escalated to a private conversation." Yeah, one that involves me telling you to F*** off.

Doesn't that sound like fun? I can't wait!

1 comment:

  1. Things the Not Boss is Not:

    Not Sane
    Not Professional
    Not Effective

    and finally:

    Not. Worth. It.

    There is something out there that's better and without such insanity.




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