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Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Welcome and goodbye?

I would like to give a shout out to "downtown" Julie Brown, the OOD's newest Doomer. She's an off site doomer meaning she doesn't work at the original Office of Doom. I guess Violet is technically an off site doomer now too. Hmm..will I be the next to defect?

It just so happens that I've been given a way out. I, Lola Newstead, have been offered another job. Whoopie! Right? I mean, shouldn't I be ultra excited and thrilled beyond measure? I feel like I should be doing cartwheels but I'm not. Am I being unrealistic? Have I been out of the job search for so long is it possible that I'm not seeing things clearly?

Am I just escaping from the Office of Doom? It does feel that way. I'm such an idiot because that is what I've been wanting for so long! This job offer is like the golden carrot dangling in front of me taunting me with "You know you want it" just take it. But do I want it? Yes and no.

Yes, I want to get away from said OOD but am I accepting the first carrot to come my way? It would be a huge change for me which is scary. I'm afraid I won't like it. I think the fact that I've already dubbed said new job "Snoozefest" isn't the best of signs. There are some positives to Snoozefest like working from home which might also be a bad thing. I've never done that before so I'm not sure what to expect or how I would handle this arrangement. Also, Snoozefest seems to have a really nice boss who seems fair and seems to know what a good boss should act like. Always a plus.

This is such a huge thing for me to figure out and I'm not so good at decisions. I am supposed to make one by the morning. I suppose I'll sleep on it and say a good prayer for some guidance which means I'll toss and turn all night long and look like I've been drowning beers at the nearby pub by tomorrow.

Where are all the awesome blog followers with their good advice when you need them? Dammit Office of Doom for not taking off like we'd hoped. Now would be a great time to get about a thousand hits on OOD.

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