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Saturday, September 20, 2008

I'm going to need to see some ID.

Looking for a job is a pain in the ass. Being asked to authorize a background and credit check before you've even been brought in for your first interview is a bit much, don't you think? Perhaps this would be acceptable if you were being considered or actually being offered the job but checking your background and credit history before you have even taken a single step inside the potential Office of Doom's doors just doesn't seem right to me. Not that I have anything to hide - ok, maybe a bill that went unpaid or something (for good reason, I am sure) - but it all feels like an invasion of privacy. I'm supposed to turn over my social security number to a company/individual that I've never even met? 

Shouldn't we, the potential employee, be able to make the same request? Too bad their isn't an 'Asshole Check' or an 'I'm a Horrible Boss' check for us job seekers. I'm sure I would have run for the hills at least once had that been an option. 

I did a Google search on this topic to see if this has become the norm. It appears since 9/11 background and credit checks by employers in general have risen. I guess we should send a Thank You card to the Department of Homeland Security. 

In addition to the background/credit check, this potential employer has stated that they "will be contacting people with a complete application and resume on file to come in for a 5-10 minute first interview in the next few weeks" followed by a 2nd interview that "will consist of a short math test and a simple essay to get to know you better". 

Why so many hoops? It's not like the pay is even that great. It's an office job for crying out loud.

What do you think?

1 comment:

  1. The ultimate invasion....a pee test. I had to submit to the humiliating piss test before taking the job at the original OOD. What's worse than taking a piss test? Working at the clinic that offers piss tests. Now that's an Office of Doom!




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