With school back in session and plenty of time on my hands, I thought I would join in on that old tried and true first day back-to-school writing assignment, What I Did on My Summer Vacation.
What I Did on My Summer Vacation by Lola Newstead.
I wish I could say I spent my summer sipping margaritas on the beach in Mexico or backpacking through Europe but alas, my summer was not filled with sunny beaches and drunken nights - maybe the drunken nights but I spent them nowhere near the beach or Europe. Instead, I've mostly been at home watching the Olympics and discovering Gossip Girl. My summer has been filled with many ups and downs. Ok, mostly downs but I'm trying to remain hopeful.
The beginning of my summer was spent leaving my job at the OOD to go work for the crazy Not Boss at the HOOD (Home Office of Doom). I gave the Not Boss a good two and a half solid months of working my butt off and putting up with her nonsense before the proverbial straw that broke the camel's back well, was emailed to me in true Not Boss "I've completely lost my mind" fashion. After some deliberation, I took the train from Crazytown where the Not Boss is Mayor and quit. I'll be lucky if I even get paid all the money I'm due - so far, I haven't been.
Since quitting the HOOD, I've spent several lazy weeks enjoying being unemployed - seeing family, friends and basically rubbing it your face that I slept 'til 10am because I didn't go to sleep until 1 after staying up all night reading the Twilight books (the last one is lame btw)....anywho, my bank account is dwindling rapidly and I really want to go shopping but I can't even drive within a mile of the mall without breaking into a cold sweat. So. I've been looking for a JOB. Looking for a job is not only boring but humiliating as well. I've spent hours on craigslist and I'm beginning to hate craig and his list. There are more bullshit job postings that you would believe possible. Tons of scams, links to recruiters and other crap. I realize that I'm either going to be way overqualified and make min. wage or I'm not qualified enough so why bother submitting a resume. Why don't I know PowerPoint, QuickBooks, PhotoShop, InDesign? How about SalesForce? Nope. And the crazy part is that they want you to know all this stuff but the pay is peanuts! There is no value to being a skilled employee anymore. I don't get it. I went to college yet I'm not qualified to do anything!
So how will Lola's summer finish out? I'm not sure. Oh yeah, in the first paragraph I said I would "remain hopeful" so I should probably get back to that part. Hmmm...I got nothing so give me an F.
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